Innovation and invention can happen anywhere

Innovation and invention can happen anywhere by Nancy Knowlton
Innovation and invention are happening all around us, sometimes in seemingly unlikely places. Marketing and sales have to keep pace to ensure success.
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Digital Media Pioneer Award from Grand

Digital Media Pioneer Award from Grand by Nancy Knowlton
Last week Dave and I received an award from Grand, Canada’s Digital Media Network Centres of Excellence, at its annual conference held in Ottawa. It was a lovely event, mostly because the people who were involved in the award conv
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Mind the gap

Mind the gap by Nancy Knowlton
Experiences in your day-to-day life can lead to thinking about things that could be changed. Before you know it, you could have an idea that you want to bring to life that can translate into a successful business.
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Encouraging innovation and invention

Red apple in basket of green apples
Years after creating the SMART Board interactive whiteboard, we find we’re still curious about how things work and our interest in coming up with new ideas hasn't abated. We've learned that valuing ideas encourages innovation and
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Where new products come from

Do you ever wonder where new products come from? Who gets the ideas and then how do the products make their way into common usage? It really is quite a process to get new products into users’ hands. There are many people that have
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Taking on new challenges

Open for business sign
After taking some time to consider emerging trends and possible disruptions, it's time to get to work and make some of these big ideas into products and companies that can change the world.
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Changing the world

Person pushing heavy weight
From difficult beginnings to struggles with accelerating growth and competition, SMART was always more than taking a novel idea and making it into a successful product. It was a higher calling to change the world.
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