Earning business ethically and responsibly

Operating our business ethically and responsibly with everyone we deal with is a core part of our values and makes for a sustainable enterprise.

Earning business ethically and responsibly by Nancy Knowlton

It seems that one scandal after another surfaces in the business world today. A cynic would say that more bad acts occur today than ever before, but that may not be the case. Perhaps the media are doing a very good job of getting the news out. Perhaps we’re all a little more connected today and on top of breaking stories. Alternately, the sheer size of some of the scandals also draws our attention to the issues.

Operating legally and with integrity

What hasn’t changed today is the need for the interactions between companies and their customers to be held with a high level of integrity and according to established law. As a business person, I take these requirements very seriously and live not just within the law but also within the spirit of the law. As we ready products for the market, we are laying a strong foundation of integrity within our new ventures to ensure that our customers can trust and rely on us through their entire experience with us. Here’s what we are thinking.

Competing on products and service

Simply put, we always want to win business from customers fairly and ethically. This means that we want to actively and positively position our company, our products and our services so that prospects and customers can see and appreciate the advantages that selecting our products offers. We want our customers to appreciate that we can meet their needs, not just today, but through time.

This positioning involves telling the truth about everything that we offer. It means not exaggerating or lying about our company, products or services. This can be challenging when we are in the midst of new hardware and software releases as new features and functions can be right around the corner. We intend to be clear about what we offer today and how that offering will change in the future.

It also means not misrepresenting or underplaying what our competitors do and do not offer. This point is important because many situations are competitive, and prospects and customers often specifically ask for a direct comparison to the competition.

Selling through a channel

We may sell our products globally through independent resellers who are authorized by contract to sell our products. In those cases we will provide a variety of resources to them to ensure they accurately position our products.

Illegal payments are off the table

We will not make payments to people involved in the decision to buy our products. This includes payments that may be called consulting or advisory fees for participating on, say, advisory panels.

As employees of a district, some educators may wish to influence our future product development direction. We benefit from customer input and insight, and welcome the input, but this interaction will be on a no-fee basis.


Occasionally it is appropriate to reimburse customers for their reasonable travel costs. Teachers, as an example, may present their use of our products in a booth at trade shows, adding authenticity and real-world experiences. They may have an opportunity to spend time at the show and in the conference sessions when not demonstrating or presenting. There will be no fee for this assistance beyond the reimbursement of reasonable travel costs.

While we may offer acts of hosptality, all such events will be scaled to a level where no one would conclude that expenditures were over the top and unduly influenced the decisions of the buyers. We intend to steer clear of golf outings and other acts of hospitality that may be perceived as crossing the line into extravagance.

Promise of future employment

We will not offer future employment to senior people who are involved in a purchase decision. There will be no direct or implied offer of future employment when the process is underway or within a reasonable period of time following the conclusion of that process.

Winning business is clearly something that is important to the success of any business, and it won’t be any different for us. We believe that it is important to do so ethically and responsibly, and we are organized to do so right from the outset. This not only aligns with our values – it’s the only way to build a sustainable business for the long term.

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Nancy Knowlton is co-founder and CEO of Nureva Inc. and previously the co-founder and CEO of SMART Technologies. She writes about education, entrepreneurship, business management, technology, innovation and other passions.